Be curious and get involved


During a farm visit, you can meet the alpacas, feed them and perhaps even touch them. We have enough delicious and species-appropriate food ready for this. Apart from grass, hay, concentrated feed and minerals, these wonderful beings are not allowed to eat anything else! Furthermore, you can also turn to all other animals, as long as they are present and seem interested in contact.

Currently, the activities or offers here do not (yet) have a commercial or economic background. We are in the early stages and in the development and expansion of various areas, in order to make this beautiful spot accessible in another form. Therefore, we ask for a donation at this point. We will set up our rainbow box in a suitable place for this. We say THANK YOU in advance!

For 2022, walks and hikes with the alpacas are also planned. When the time comes, we will report on it in our homepage.

P.S. … if you live far away and therefore cannot visit us so easily – your financial support would and will take things forward here. Crowdfunding is the next step. If you don’t want to wait “that long” (maybe you belong to the impatient of our species), please write to me “just” – using the contact function on this page.

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Yes, alpacas make you happy. Would you like to leave everyday life behind? End up completely in the here and now? Then visit Pablo, Hannibal and Albert – at the alpaca farm.

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On our farm, it is colorful. Colourful, creative and diverse – on a small scale as well as on a large scale. In this way, the mind can open up – not only in the vastness, here in the Prignitz. Maybe you will be inspired? Maybe the environment enlivens you? Get involved and let be surprised (especially by yourself!)

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If you take the time, i.e. “bring time with you” – we will give you the space to relax here. Do you want some time for yourself? For example, at the end of the visit or guided tour? You are welcome to use our numerous seating areas. . Change the perspective again and again. See where you’re drawn to. Or maybe you want to paint a stone? After all the impressions, get a little creative yourself? That would also be possible. Or at the pond – where a small oasis has been created – put your legs up a little and watch the alpacas from a distance? Talk to us. If necessary, also after our time together.
P.S. On request, we also have a small snack ready for you.

Plans and dreams for the future

We still have a lot of work to do!
It seems important to me to grow organically (i.e. slowly and carefully) and especially with regard to the intake of further alpacas. Creating closed cycles has already been achieved in the first steps. Regionality is just as relevant, meaningful and important.

Currently, the basic renovation of the future 2-room apartment is still taking place. This will be available for holiday purposes next year (2022). Towards spring, our “Yard-Bath” with toilets is to be finished. It will then provide two toilets, vanities and showers each for men and women.
It will then provide two toilets, vanities and showers each for men and women. The same applies to the use of small wind turbines and other alternative forms, environmentally friendly energy supply.

In 2022, a large teepee tent is to be erected on the pasture (preferably in a joint action!). Since this should be available permanently and also in winter, a building application is pending. It will then be possible to spend the night in it and/or hold seminars and/or group work, for example. The diameter will be 8 meters.
Yes – and more alpacas may move in. Expand and enrich the herd. The Alpacamist – these animals are very “clean” – they always mistle in the same place; itis already used as fertilizer and to improve the soil. In the garden, in the future vegetable garden and on the pasture. It is very rich in nutrients (keyword “alpaca gold”). This also means that the development of the widest possible self-sufficiency has already begun!
The hay mowed in the summer of 2021 now takes care of the animals over the winter. With a larger number of alpacas, the sale of dried manure as plant fertilizer will also be possible in the future. With a larger number of alpacas, the sale of dried manure as plant fertilizer will also be possible in the future. By the way, only stallions or geldings will move in. There are no plans to multiply these wonderful beings here.

More trees should be planted in the way you like and maybe a larger farm shop with a café can be built. A “mini” version for the spring is already being worked on. We would like to offer this place in the future also for celebrations. weddings, anniversaries; Seminars and other things are conceivable. Readings, music evenings and more will also take place.
For the larger investments, however, crowdfunding will then be launched. If it is activated, we will inform you about it here. Would you like to support and or promote the alpaca farm? Would you like to support and or promote the alpaca farm? Write to me via the contact page.

If you are interested in further developments here, please visit our homepage from time to time. We will also use the blog function for corresponding announcements.

Schirin Schahbaz, Nov 2021